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R1CS json format

The file contains a dictionary with a single entry "constraints" and a list of constraints as value.

"constraints": [

where every constraint is a list with three elements which are the linear expresions A, B and C that represent the constraint A*B -C = 0.


where the linear expression is represented by a dictionary with the signal numbers as strings occurring in the linear expression (with non-zero coefficient) as entries and their coefficients (as string) as values:

{ "sig_num_l1": "coef_1", ... , "sig_num_lm": "coef_m"}`

If you also include the --sym flag, in the generated sym file you can see the qualified name in the circom program associated to each signal number, with the signal number 0 always expressing the constant 1. This way we can express any constant by having it as coefficient of the signal 0.

Let us consider the following simple circuit in 'basic.circom':

pragma circom 2.0.0;

template Internal() {
   signal input in[2];
   signal output out;
   out <== in[0]*in[1];

template Main() {
   signal input in[2];
   signal output out;
   component c = Internal ();[0] <== in[0];[1] <== in[1]+2*in[0]+1;
   c.out ==> out;

if we run

circom basic.circom --json --wasm 

a file 'basic_contraints.json' is generated and it contains two constraints:

"constraints": [

As we can see, only constant and renaming (equalities between signals) simplifications have been applied (since the --O1 simplification is the default).

Instead, if we run

circom basic.circom --json --wasm --O0

to indicate that we do not want to apply any simplification the generated file 'basic_constraints.json' contains

"constraints": [

Finally, if we run

circom basic.circom --json --wasm --O2

we can see that only one constraint is taken after applying the full simplification:

"constraints": [