More basic circuits
Extending our multiplier to three inputs
Building on top of the 2-input multiplier, we can build a 3-input multiplier.
pragma circom 2.0.0;
template Multiplier2(){
/*Code from the previous example.*/
//This circuit multiplies in1, in2, and in3.
template Multiplier3 () {
//Declaration of signals and components.
signal input in1;
signal input in2;
signal input in3;
signal output out;
component mult1 = Multiplier2();
component mult2 = Multiplier2();
mult1.in1 <== in1;
mult1.in2 <== in2;
mult2.in1 <== mult1.out;
mult2.in2 <== in3;
out <== mult2.out;
component main = Multiplier3();
As expected, we first declare three input signals in1, in2, in3,
and an output signal out
and two instances of Multiplier2
. Instantiations of templates are done using the keyword component
. We need an instance mult1
to multiply in1
and in2
. In order to assign the values of the input signals of mult1
we use the dot notation "."
. Once mult1.in1
and mult1.in2
have their values set, then the value of mult1.out
is computed. This value can be now used to set the input value of mult2
of the second instance of Multiplier2
to multiply in1*in2
and in3
obtaining the final result in1*in2*in3
Finally, every execution starts from an initial main component defined as follows.
component main {public [in1,in2,in3]} = Multiplier3();
Here, we indicate that the initial component for our first circom program is the circuit Multiplier3
which has three public signals: in1, in2
and in3
In circom, all output signals of the main component are public (and cannot be made private), the input signals of the main component are private if not stated otherwise using the keyword public as above. The rest of signals are all private and cannot be made public.
Extending our multiplier to N inputs
When defining a template, we can use parameters to build generic circuits. These parameters must have a known value at the moment of the instantiation of the template. Following up the previous example, we can implement an N-input multiplier, where N
is a parameter.
pragma circom 2.0.0;
template Multiplier2(){
/*Code from the previous example.*/
template MultiplierN (N){
//Declaration of signals and components.
signal input in[N];
signal output out;
component comp[N-1];
for(var i = 0; i < N-1; i++){
comp[i] = Multiplier2();
// ... some more code (see below)
component main = MultiplierN(4);
In addition to the parameterN
, two well-known concepts appear in this fragment of code: arrays and integer variables.
As we have seen for a 3-input multiplier, we need 3 input signals and 2 components of Multiplier2
. Then, for an N-input multiplier, we need an N-dimensional array of input signals and an \(N-1\)-dimensional array of components of Multiplier2
We also need an integer variable i
to instantiate each component comp[i]
. Once this is done, we have to set the signals for each component as follows:
comp[0].in1 <== in[0];
comp[0].in2 <== in[1];
for(var i = 0; i < N-2; i++){
comp[i+1].in1 <== comp[i].out;
comp[i+1].in2 <== in[i+2];
out <== comp[N-2].out;
Similarly to Multiplier3
, each output signal of a component becomes one of the input signals of the next component. Finally, out
is set as the output signal of the last component and its value will be in[0]*in[1]*...*in[N-1]
. Finally, we define as main component a MultiplierN
with N = 3
component main {public [in]} = MultiplierN(3);
pragma circom 2.0.0;
template Multiplier2(){
//Declaration of signals.
signal input in1;
signal input in2;
signal output out;
out <== in1 * in2;
template Multiplier3 () {
//Declaration of signals.
signal input in1;
signal input in2;
signal input in3;
signal output out;
component mult1 = Multiplier2();
component mult2 = Multiplier2();
mult1.in1 <== in1;
mult1.in2 <== in2;
mult2.in1 <== mult1.out;
mult2.in2 <== in3;
out <== mult2.out;
template MultiplierN (N){
//Declaration of signals.
signal input in[N];
signal output out;
component comp[N-1];
for(var i = 0; i < N-1; i++){
comp[i] = Multiplier2();
comp[0].in1 <== in[0];
comp[0].in2 <== in[1];
for(var i = 0; i < N-2; i++){
comp[i+1].in1 <== comp[i].out;
comp[i+1].in2 <== in[i+2];
out <== comp[N-2].out;
component main {public [in]} = MultiplierN(3);
Writing a circuit for binary checks
Let us build a circuit that checks if the input signal is binary. In case it is, the circuit returns an output signal with the same value thanin
pragma circom 2.0.0;
template binaryCheck () {
// Declaration of signals.
signal input in;
signal output out;
// Statements.
in * (in-1) === 0;
out <== in;
component main = binaryCheck();
After declaring the signals of the circuit, we use the operator ===
to introduce the constraint in * (in -1) = 0
. The solutions of this constraint are in = 0
and in = 1
. This means that the constraint has solution if and only if the input signal is binary.
The instruction out <== in
not only assigns the value of signal in
to signal out
, but it also adds the constraint out = in
to the set of constraints that define the circuit. Then, when both constraints have solution, it is guaranteed that the output signal is binary. Sometimes, we only want to assign the value of a signal but not adding the corresponding constraint. In this case, we will use the operator <--
and -->
. The differences between <--/-->
and <==/==>
are described here.
Writing a logic gate AND with two inputs
We are going to use the circuits Multiplier2
and binaryCheck
to build a 2-gate logic AND.
pragma circom 2.0.0;
template Multiplier2(){
//Declaration of signals
signal input in1;
signal input in2;
signal output out;
out <== in1 * in2;
template binaryCheck () {
//Declaration of signals.
signal input in;
signal output out;
in * (in-1) === 0;
out <== in;
template And2(){
//Declaration of signals and components.
signal input in1;
signal input in2;
signal output out;
component mult = Multiplier2();
component binCheck[2];
binCheck[0] = binaryCheck();
binCheck[0].in <== in1;
binCheck[1] = binaryCheck();
binCheck[1].in <== in2;
mult.in1 <== binCheck[0].out;
mult.in2 <== binCheck[1].out;
out <== mult.out;
component main = And2();
Simplifying, the 2-gate AND circuit can be defined by the next constraints:
in1 * (in1 - 1) = 0
, in2 * (in2 - 1) = 0
, out = in1 * in2
These constraints are satisfiable if and only if in1, in2
are binary signals. Consequently, out
will also be binary.
Extending our AND logic gate to N inputs
Finally, let us build an N-gate logic AND using circuit Multiplier2
and binaryCheck
pragma circom 2.0.0;
template binaryCheck () {
/*Code from previous example*/
template Multiplier2 () {
/*Code from previous example*/
template AndN (N){
//Declaration of signals and components.
signal input in[N];
signal output out;
component mult[N-1];
component binCheck[N];
for(var i = 0; i < N; i++){
binCheck[i] = binaryCheck();
binCheck[i].in <== in[i];
for(var i = 0; i < N-1; i++){
mult[i] = Multiplier2();
mult[0].in1 <== binCheck[0].out;
mult[0].in2 <== binCheck[1].out;
for(var i = 0; i < N-2; i++){
mult[i+1].in1 <== mult[i].out;
mult[i+1].in2 <== binCheck[i+2].out;
out <== mult[N-2].out;
component main = AndN(4);
This program is very similar to MultiplierN
, but every signal involved in it is binary.
It is important to highlight that we cannot use a (2N-1)-dimensional array to instantiate all the components since, every component of an array must be an instance of the same template with (optionally) different parameters.